Thursday, March 19, 2015

Challenging your negativity

20/3/15 8:10:58 am: Kwee! Chang: "Challenging your negativity"

Womens' division's meeting Feb 2006

By Francesca Romana Nastasi

Subtle negativity, like self-doubt, may be difficult to see as a devilish function, but most certainly is. It keeps us from recognizing that we are Buddhas, worthy of the highest respect.
"Challenging negativity" the title of this incredible article I read in January "Living Buddhism" pag 26 by Linda Johnson SGI-USA women's leader, gave me the chance to delve into something really deep and detailed. Yet, I had another opportunity to search inside myself bringing to light those patches of shadows or fundamental darkness we happen to experience every given moment.
How do we overcome them?

It is important to remember that this fundamental darkness is something that is always within us and we must be ever-vigilant to defeat it. There are things that appear in the external realm like social ills and moral and ethical injustices. But if we do not see that we possess the same tendencies to be unjust, in whatever form, we can become critical of others and feel powerless to do anything to change society or ourselves.

SGI President Ikeda stated in his "Dialogue on the Lotus Sutra":
"On the level of the individual, practicing the Lotus Sutra means confronting the fundamental darkness in one's own life. In terms of society, it means confronting corrupt power and authority. Practicing the Lotus Sutra, therefore, necessarily entails challenging great difficulties. Challenging your negativity it's also going against your tendencies as well. We all know that negativity is the catalyst for growth and development to every human revolution.
I started practicing Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism in 1994. I followed it for a year. I didn't have the Gohonzon back then. For a decade I adhered to the Tibetan and Theravada Buddhism and I was practicing yoga first as a student, then as a yoga instructor. Exploring my personal quest of inquirement and understanding I was unveiling this web of full potentials.

I was learning what Buddhism really is and what practicing it can do! There really is no other way that has been proven to enable each and every person to change their destiny and totally eliminate suffering from their lives. Challenging their negativity again to uncover the incredible light that lies underneath the obscurity of the mind. This is not about dogma, but about profound philosophy and seeking and finding the truth of life.

In October 2004 my sister and I went to a discussion meeting given by one of our Buddhist friends in Rome, Italy. Hearing again the sound of "Nam-myo-ho-renge kyo" opened up a door of memories and internal emotions. Germana and I both felt like someone or something was calling us to join this community again. From that day on until my return to U.S.A. in November 04 we started to chant again. It's when I knew that was my time to welcome Gohonzon into my existence. On the 5th of December 2004 I wasn't just celebrating my birthday but I also received Gohonzon the same day. Certainly I was starting a new profound and deep appreciation of life. My human revolution was ready to sail away.

Since then, lots of incredible adventures and unforgettable journeys came to my life. I found in every daimoku the holiness and the inspiration for my life, accepting the complexity of human nature in its own true reality. And of course my opportunity to overcome one of the fundamental darknesses we experience came to my door one day, bringing to me the incredible lesson I needed to learn. A chance to modify what needed to be worked on. I had at a certain point some problems with one of my girlfriends.
Every time we hung out together there was that strange energy, and no synergy between us. I wasn't feeling at ease at all. Every time I talked to her or saw her, I found myself in the position to ruminate about the encounter. If I would say this, she would react in this way and so on. What I really needed to do, was stop this hideous thinking and try to find a better place to enjoy her company, instead of complaining about it. At least if I wanted to keep seeing her.

Through chanting Nam-myo-ho-renge kyo and thanks to a
great dialogue-guidance I had with my sister Germana I came across the solution to my questions. Chant for her own happiness as for mine overcoming the fundamental darkness I was experiencing. Well as Linda Johnson said in her experience "I win too over my own negativity".
She writes: manifesting ones' Buddhahood does not mean becoming someone else or trying to become a transcendent beings. I believe that each experience give us the opportunity to overcome our most subtle tendencies

I approached her in the best positive way, leaving aside the complexity of nonsense that can guide us in the obscurity of every relationship. It took me of course, a little time to absorb this lesson and to realize that the best way to enjoy her in every aspect was to accept the way she was, not the way I would like her to be.

As Buddhism teaches in the principle of a life-moment possesses 3,000 realms, our mind or attitude can change everything. What matters is that you become a brilliant beacon, shining with joy and happiness and live your life with confidence and courage. As President Ikeda says:". Buddhist practice means plunging into the midst of the people and striving to strengthen our life force to the greatest extent. If you shine with a radiant light, there can be no darkness in your life. Through praying you are exposed to an infinite and endless potential but prayer without action is not the way of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism."
In conclusion I would like to read this other quote by President Ikeda :Success is not a matter of accumulating more of this or that; it is not measured in quantity. It means changing the quality of your life. Wealth, power, fame and knowledge alone cannot make you happy, no matter how much of these you acquire. Nor can you take them with you when you die. But by improving the quality of your life you will at last approach true happiness.

Let"s always remember we can really change the "hendoku iyaku" known as changing poison into medicine. If you understand that each moment, each task you are given is a lesson to lead you toward a higher goal, you will apply yourself and develop onward and upward. If you choose not to, you probably don't really understand the implications of your actions.

We should chant with a deep and powerful resolve - not mindless, unfocused prayer.It also means we must have the courage to challenge all our deepest fears and insecurities, which inevitably arise when we decide to tackle a goal.

The Daishonin remind us : "A sword is useless in the hands of a coward. The mighty sword of the Lotus Sutra must be wielded by one courageous in faith. Muster your faith and pray to this Gohonzon. then what is there that cannot be achieved ?"

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