Saturday, September 3, 2011

MD Day Commemorative Meeting 2011 Message by President Ikeda

Message for the SSA Men Division Day Commemorative Meeting

To my trustworthy members of SSA Men Division,

My heartiest congratulations on your grand SSA Men Division Meeting commemorating 8.24 Men Division Day!
I'm keenly aware that each and every one of you are challenging yourselves continuously towards achieving victory with sheer perseverance amidst the harsh waves and severe realities of society today. As your fellow member of the Men Division, I'm writing you this message with utmost respect and admiration for the courageous struggles you are undertaking everyday.

Nichiren Daishonin says, "Were they not Bodhisattvas of the Earth, they could not chant the daimoku." (WND-1, p 385) Every single one of you who embrace the Mystic Law are the most precious and cherished child of the Buddha. All of you have the noble mission to spread the Buddhist ideal of upholding the dignity of life for the construction of a peaceful society. For this reason, please treat each other with respect and encourage one another as you move forward together with joy and courage.
It is none other than the act of advancing together with fellow members in harmonious unity based on the spirit of many in body, one in mind centered on faith that accords with the original spirit of the Daishonin, who taught us that our goal is the realization of worldwide kosen-rufu. I hope that you, the members of the Men Division in Singapore, will take it upon yourselves to construct with your very own hands, "a beautiful, great castle of Soka", in which a spirit of true friendship and goodwill prevails, thereby creating a model organization for worldwide kosen-rufu.

During the time of Nichiren Daishonin, it was also his middle-aged male disciples who played central roles in the community of his disciples. For example, Shijo Kingo was about 40 years old when he accompanied the Daishonin during the Tatsunokuchi Persecution, prepared to give his own life to protect his mentor. The other core followers of the Daishonin were all men in their prime, including Toki Jonin and Ota Jomyo who were in their 50s, and Soya Kyoshin who was in his mid-40s.
Because these men rose up to struggle valiantly and encouraged their fellow practitioners to do the same, many fellow disciples of the Daishonin were inspired to persevere in faith amidst great persecution and eventually surmount all obstacles that stood before them.

Men Division are the "golden pillars of kosen-rufu". Individually, you are the pillar in your family and the backbone supporting your respective communities. Where there are Men Division members who possess absolute conviction in faith, others feel reassured. When well-trusted men stand up, it gives others courage to do the same.

Members of the SSA Men Division, whom I cherish with all my heart: I sincerely hope you will join me in the endeavour to continue illuminating the lives of fellow members with the light of hope, show splendid actual proof of victory for the realization of a harmonious family of faith and the development of society as a whole, while contributing your utmost for the betterment of your country as excellent citizens.

I am earnestly praying every moment that all my fellow comrades in Singapore, without a single exception, will strive with greater vigour and continue to enjoy excellent health.

In closing, let me proclaim:
May the Singapore Men Division whom I trust with all my heart, achieve great victory!
May the Singapore Soka Association, the model organization for worldwide kosen-rufu, be blessed with glory.
May my beloved land of Singapore enjoy continuous prosperity!

Please convey my warmest regards to your friends in faith who are not present today. Please take care!

August 19, 2011

Daisaku Ikeda
Soka Gakkai International












