Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Spirit of “Oneness of Mentor and Disciple” and the Unity of “Many in Body, One in Mind” Are the Key to Victory*

The Spirit of "Oneness of Mentor and Disciple" and the Unity of "Many in Body, One in Mind" Are the Key to Victory*

"Though evils may be numerous, they cannot prevail over a single great truth [or good]" (WND-1, 618)—here, the Daishonin teaches us the key to that victory in the following passage: "Although Nichiren and his followers are few, because they are different in body, but united in mind [many in body, one in mind], they will definitely accomplish their great mission of widely propagating the Lotus Sutra [Nam-myoho-renge-kyo]" (WND-1, 618).

When the forces for good are truly united as "many in body, one in mind," they are certain to win in the end.

Aligning our hearts with the mentors of kosen-rufu and fighting with the "strategy of the Lotus Sutra" always lead to victory. By persevering with courageous faith, we can uphold and promote what's right. By building an organization dedicated to good, in which many different individuals are united in purpose, we can vanquish any evil. This is the ultimate meaning of "faith for absolute victory."

-- THE BUDDHISM OF THE SUN—ILLUMINATING THE WORLD [13] The Five Eternal Guidelines of the Soka Gakkai—Part 5 [of 5] "Faith for Absolute Victory"—Prayer Based on the Shared Vow of Mentor and Disciple



"恶党虽多,不能胜一善。"(御书 1540 页)教导这项胜利要诀 的一节就是"日莲一门,既是异体同心,人虽不多,大事可成,须知 必能弘得法华经也。"(同上页)

正义的阵营只要以异体同心的团结迎敌,最后绝对能够胜利。 与广宣流布的师匠同心,靠《法华经》的兵法奋战,必能得胜! 只要贯彻有勇气的信心,一定能够宣扬正义!

只要构筑化异体为同心的善之团结,不论任何恶都能破除! 这就是"绝对胜利的信心"的精髓。

-- 照耀世界的太阳佛法(13) 第十三回:创价学会永远五指针5 绝对胜利的信心──秉持师弟誓愿的不二祈求

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