Friday, April 28, 2017

June gosho 圣人蒙难事








对于这样的局面,天台宗泷泉寺的代理住持 行智 等人 深感危机。于是当地的天台宗寺院开始施加迫害,接二连三发生皈依大圣人的民众遭到威胁的事件。


大圣人从这些农民信徒不惜身命的态度,感受到民众已确立足以忍受大难的坚强信心,而在本篇明示他于立宗后第 “二十七” 年完成 “出世本怀”。


接着,大圣人鼓励门人要像他超越大难一样,也要拿出 “狮子王之心” 来面对难,月月、日日都要贯彻强盛的信心。



1. 通过确信 信心,就能受到诸天善神的守护。
2. 不安和迷惑会让魔乘虚而入。
3. 所谓魔,就是夺取勇气与智慧者。

1. 通过确信 信心,就能受到诸天善神的守护

所谓 “大鬼神附身的人”,是指以强大的势力迫害相信佛法的人。



“天” 含有 “像锅盖那样覆盖世界” 的意思,就是我们周围所有的一切,都起着守护我们的作用。






2. 不安和迷惑会让魔乘虚而入


“懈怠的心” 的 “懈怠” 含有 “气势变弱” “一念变松懈” 等等的意思。

“为什么情况恶化了?” “真的能够宿命转换吗?” 有如此不安和迷惘的心,“心变弱了”,魔就会出现。



3. 所谓魔,就是夺取勇气与智慧者


“那么,释尊与大圣人毕生不懈地对抗的魔性是什么?那就是人类的根源无明。魔的本质是 ‘夺命者’、‘夺功德者’。能摧毁此魔的力量泉源的,就是日日月月愈益 ‘坚强’ 的心。因为在不断的精进行当中,佛的生命将涌现出来。奋战不息的人,就是佛界常开的人,是不会让魔靠近的。不断前进的人,必能构筑伟大的境界,这就是实践佛法的目的。“(照耀世界的佛法---7)

所谓 “夺命者”, 就是指 “夺取生命力和想要前进的力”。

“夺功德者” 的 “功德”,就是指 “智慧与勇气”。 如此一来,就无法分辨什么才是正确,同时无法鼓起勇气,这就是魔的作用。

因此,当遇到问题时,我们要是失去生命力和勇气的话,要认清 “这是魔在作祟” 的缘故,这一点很重要。




May gosho 龙门御书




本篇御书是日莲大圣人于 1279年11月6日,从身延写给住在骏河国(今日本静冈县中部一带)南条时光的书信,别名 “龙门御书”。

大圣人执笔本篇御书当时,正值门下遭受严厉镇压的 “热原法难”。骏河一带大多是 北条家本家 的领地,北条家在此拥有极大的影响力。


1279 年秋天,热原的二十位农民信徒蒙冤被捕,在平左卫门尉惨无人道的处置下,最后有三人被斩首而殉教。在此时挺身而出承受迫害袭击,奋不顾身守护同志,彻底奋战的青年门下正是南条时光。

时光继承亡父遗志,自幼遵奉大圣人为师,受到日兴上人的鼓励,非常认真信心。他接获本篇御书当时,虚岁 21岁,不顾自身安危,敢匿(ni)藏 被迫害的同志在家中,予以守护。

时光本身也因此遭受种种迫害。幕府在日后课以不合理的重税,以致他过着无马可骑、妻儿衣物不足的困窘生活。然而,时光为了正义奋战到底,大圣人于本篇御书称赞他为 “上野贤人”,给予最大的赞扬。

大圣人在文中举出中国 “鱼跃龙门” 的故事,以及 日本平安时代 平氏一族 身份卑微 但历经数代辛劳 取得强大权势而昌隆的史实,  来教示成佛之难。





热原的 20 名农夫 信徒  因没有事实根据的罪 而被逮捕,

最终有 3 人被斩首。

收到这封书信的南条时光 在发生 热原法难的时候,


所以大圣人便通过 “鱼跃龙门” 的故事,严厉地指导门下,

传说中国有个叫 “龙门” 的瀑布,很多鲤鱼都想要跃过 这个瀑布,


可是,10年、20年 都没有鲤鱼跳得过去,


这个故事是比喻末法充塞(se) 许多困难和障碍。


这里的 “大愿” 就是指  佛和菩萨  自身成佛  及要救济一切众生的誓愿。



跟此 “大愿” 意义相同的词就有 “誓愿”。



大圣人也对门下说:“须同日莲共弘法华经。” (御书936页)





末法就像在 暴风雨天 波涛汹涌的海 那样。

国际创价学会  就是一艘  在海上  挽救溺水者  的巨轮。


“法华经的 ‘不轻品’ 中,有位佛名叫 ‘威音王佛’ 。

200,000,000,000,000 = 二万亿

“也就是说,两万亿的佛都名叫 “威音王佛”,在漫长的岁月中,一直拯救济着众生。
“户田先生敏锐地指出:这不就是指冠名威音王佛的 ‘组织’ ‘和合僧团’ 吗?
那么,必定会产生 ‘不断拯救民众’ 这永恒的佛之生命力。”(随笔 人本世纪光111)

因此,池田先生称创价学会为 “创价学会佛”。

让我们以 2018 年 11月18日 广宣流布誓愿堂 落成 5 周年纪念为目标,努力去做折伏吧。


Wednesday, April 26, 2017



Nichiren taught us that sufferings arise from "looking outside of oneself" for the cause or the solution to problems. The fact that it is you who are suffering means that it is your problem to solve, not someone else's. If you are looking for others to change, you may wait for a very long time. Still, people make extraordinary efforts to modify the behavior of others in an effort to make relationships work. But ultimately this is as futile as cleaning the mirror in an attempt to clean your face. The mirror will keep reflecting back the same image.

Through Buddhist practice, we start to see ourselves more accurately perhaps for the first time in our lives, with all our weaknesses and strengths. Day after day, we come to an ever-deepening realization (although sudden, remarkable flashes of self realization are quite common) that the relationships we have formed are a reflection of our own state of life. Then we can embark on the steady, long term process of developing our wisdom and capacity as human beings.

The key to transforming relationships lies in the process of transforming ourselves. Since the only person whose behavior you can control is yourself, use that power to the utmost. Work from the inside out.

Source: The Buddha In Your Mirror (Pg. 127 - 130)

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Monday, April 24, 2017

He is the only person in our history to receive three of the city’s highest honors.

*"He is the only person in our history to receive three of the city's highest honors."*

Perhaps owing to interest in the ceremony, which had been announced in national newspapers, some 4,000 city residents and SGI members gathered at Piazza della Signoria, the square in front of the Palazzo Vecchio, and watched the ceremony unfold on a giant television monitor.

Prior to the ceremony's start, the main theme from President Ikeda's novel The Human Revolution was projected on the screen:

*"A great human revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation, and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of all humankind"*

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Citizen of the World – Soka Gakkai International - USA

Citizen of the World – Soka Gakkai International - USA

Citizen of the World

SGI President Ikeda is named an honorary citizen of Florence, Italy, the birthplace of the Renaissance.

Florence, Italy, is the place where artists and poets of world renown ushered in the dawning of the human spirit. A new name was just engraved in the city's storied history: Daisaku Ikeda.

Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance, conferred an honorary citizenship upon SGI President Ikeda for his enduring contributions to the blossoming of the human spirit and peacebuilding.

Photo: Seikyo Press
Flower of humanism—The city of Florence, Italy, confers an honorary citizenship upon SGI President Ikeda in the Salone dei Cinquecento of the Palazzo Vecchio—Florence's city hall since medieval times—which features many elegant works of Renaissance art. All photos by Seikyo Press.

The conferral ceremony was held on March 11 in the Salone dei Cinquecento (the Hall of the Five Hundred) of the Palazzo Vecchio, which has served as Florence's city hall since medieval times. Florence Mayor Dario Nardella attended the event, together with members of the city council, guests and 600 representatives of SGI Italy.

During the ceremony, Nobel Peace laureate Betty Williams offered congratulatory words, as did Professor Antonio La Spina of LUISS Guido Carli University.

Inside the impressive hall, the opposing walls feature giant fresco paintings exquisitely rendered by 16th-century court painters, including Giorgio Vasari, that depict the conquests of Pisa and Siena, and convey to current generations the victories that decided Florence's rise and prosperity.

An extraordinary statue, completed nearly 500 years ago, dominates the central niche in the south wall: "The Genius of Victory" by Michelangelo.

"He is the only person in our history to receive three of the city's highest honors."

Perhaps owing to interest in the ceremony, which had been announced in national newspapers, some 4,000 city residents and SGI members gathered at Piazza della Signoria, the square in front of the Palazzo Vecchio, and watched the ceremony unfold on a giant television monitor.

Prior to the ceremony's start, the main theme from President Ikeda's novel The Human Revolution was projected on the screen:

"A great human revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation, and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of all humankind" (p. viii).

Some 4,000 spectators gather at Piazza della Signoria to witness the conferral ceremony. Italian media reported on the news of the conferral.
Some 4,000 spectators gather at Piazza della Signoria to witness the conferral ceremony. Italian media reported on the news of the conferral.

Some gathered in the plaza nodded in agreement, while others recorded the words in their notebooks, giving one the sense that the curtain was being raised anew on the dawning of the human spirit.

President Ikeda has visited Florence on three occasions: 1981, 1992 and 1994. He demonstrated his commitment to the sharing of culture when the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, which he founded, introduced the Treasures of Japanese Art exhibition in Florence, drawing on the museum's permanent collection.

"Dr. Ikeda's name will be eternally
engraved in the annals of Florence."

Moreover, inspired to action by President Ikeda's example, SGI members in Florence engaged in a series of efforts, including an exhibition and lectures on nuclear abolition aimed at raising awareness and interest in the importance of protecting the sanctity of life. They have also contributed to society as good citizens, winning trust in the community.

Florence has honored President Ikeda in the past with the Fiorino d'Oro Coin (1992) and the Seal of Peace (2007) in recognition of his efforts to promote culture and peace.

Andrea Pugliese, the Florence City council member who nominated the SGI leader for an honorary citizenship, said there is a special significance to this particular honor.

"The council was unanimous in its decision to welcome Dr. Ikeda to our city, which is unique among past recipients [of this honor]," Mr. Pugliese said. "More than anything, he is the only person in our history to receive three of the city's highest honors."

"A global society of peace and humanism, where no one is left behind."

Florence Mayor Dario Nardella (right) presents the honor to SGI Vice President Hiromasa Ikeda (center) who accepted it on President Ikeda's behalf. (Left to right) Professor Antonio La Spina of LUISS Guido Carli University, Florence City Council Chair Catarena Biti, Mr. Ikeda and Nobel Peace laureate Betty Williams help celebrate the occasion.
Florence Mayor Dario Nardella (right) presents the honor to SGI Vice President Hiromasa Ikeda (center) who accepted it on President Ikeda's behalf. (Left to right) Professor Antonio La Spina of LUISS Guido Carli University, Florence City Council Chair Catarena Biti, Mr. Ikeda and Nobel Peace laureate Betty Williams help celebrate the occasion.

The ceremony began with the city anthem. City Council Chair Catarina Biti gave the background leading to the conferral, while Professor La Spina and Ms. Williams offered words of congratulations.

Then, in his words conferring the honor, Mayor Nardella commended the SGI leader's contributions to peace, stating in a resounding voice, "Dr. Ikeda's name will be eternally engraved in the annals of Florence." The mayor and council chairman proceeded to sign the certificate of honorary citizenship and present it to SGI Vice President Hiromasa Ikeda, who accepted the honor on the SGI president's behalf. The hall erupted in thunderous applause.

Hiromasa Ikeda read a message from the SGI leader conveying his heartfelt appreciation. President Ikeda expressed his determination, together with the youth, to make the flower garden of humanism bloom, starting in Florence, so that its fragrance extends far into the future.

"From today onward, and as a proud citizen of Florence working together with all of you, I firmly vow to create a global society of peace and humanism, where no one is left behind."

This article was adapted from the March 13, 2017, issue of the Seikyo Shimbun, the Soka Gakkai's daily newspaper.

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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Happiness through walking the path of faith and study

 Ikeda sensei wrote an article to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the publication of gosho. Published in SEIKYO shinbum today 22 April 2017.

Commemorating 65th year anniversary of the publication of gosho.

Happiness through walking the path of faith and study

22 April 2017 published in SEIKYO Shinbum

The gosho (daishonin's writings) is the "writing of hope" that clearly demonstrate "winter will never fail to turn to spring".
It is a "writing of dignity of life" that declare that "life itself is the ultimate treasure".
It is the "writing of peace" that pave the way of "establishing peace of the land".
It is the "writing of victories" that completely preached that "justice will surely win over the evil".

Deepening study could further deepen our faith, induce our awakening to one's life mission and ignite the fighting spirit to live for kosen rufu till the end.

Faith is always a battle. It is a daily battle against cowardice, laziness and arrogance, such are the devilish functions residing within one's heart that causes misery to our lives.
Study is the weapon for our spiritual struggle and the mirror for our self refinement.
In our struggle in our daily life and kosen rufu, we should read the gosho even a single line or a single passage.

It is important to make utmost efforts to try to understand and want to understand the gosho.
If one is serious, understanding could even penetrate through one's perspiratory pores.
There is a different to want to understand by one's thinking faculty and through faith.
There will come a time, when we will understand what was written when we apply it to our circumstances.
Nichiren Daishonin demonstrated to us the fundamental path of Buddhist practice.
He wrote "there is no Buddhism without practice and study"
If we do not study we will not be able to convince others.

We will not achieve growth and not obtain the strength to make a change in society if we do not put study in actual practice.
Practice and study are like a dual wheels- the actual practice of study Itself is the tradition of the gakkai.

(This is a tentative translation not from Sgi translation department.Please do not circulate.)

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After nearly dying of an overdose, Kelvin Carr learns that his life is worth fighting for.

Growing up, I suffered from terrible anxiety, making it difficult to say hello or even smile. Although my parents encouraged me to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, like many young people I had no interest in following any religion. As my high school years progressed, I started experiencing extreme anxiety. I sought relief in marijuana, but soon it wasn't cutting it anymore. By my senior year, I was addicted to heroin.

On Dec. 22, 2012, I overdosed in my room. My dad found me at 3:30 in the morning, not breathing. He woke up my mother, who dialed 911 while my father performed CPR on me until the paramedics arrived. When I came to, I had no memory of what happened, nor did I understand the trauma of my parents' experience. After that incident, I stopped using heroin for more than a year.

But by 2014, I was using again. I quickly went into rehab with the help of my father. When I got out in July, I started working on a fishing boat, which was great while the season was busy. But when things started winding down, I missed the feeling I got from heroin.

On Oct. 3, 2014, I overdosed again, which put me into a coma. The next day, the doctors explained to my parents that after two brain scans, no brain activity was detected, and my kidneys had ceased functioning. They would soon need to make the decision to disconnect the machines that were keeping me alive.

My life was hanging by a thread, but my parents believed what SGI President Ikeda has taught them—to never give up. For them, defeat was not an option. Every day, my parents and members would come to my hospital bedside and chant for me. The women's division members visited often, chanting next to my ear while holding my hand.

I learned that members all over the country were chanting for me, too. My dad's friend, who was at the Florida Nature and Culture Center for the SGI-USA Men's Conference, called to say that the men were chanting for me along with our general director. After the 10th day, my body started to respond. The doctors were speechless, since all indications were that I was destined to die. But they did not know about the power of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

By the 12th day, I started to come out of the coma. However, I had suffered a stroke, and my left side was paralyzed. As I slowly regained consciousness, I still didn't know what was going on or understand what had happened to me. The doctors warned my parents that I would need constant medical help and would never be able to live a normal life. I was transferred to multiple hospitals, where I was hooked up to a breathing machine and feeding tube.

For four months, my parents visited me twice a day and brought extra food and supplements. They always chanted in my room. In every hospital where I stayed, all my roommates were terminal. I was the only one to ever leave. Slowly I began the process of learning to sit up and, with even more difficulty, to stand.

In the beginning, I could not take even one step unassisted. I had to be weaned off the breathing apparatus. The doctors considered me a miracle, but my parents and the members knew that it could only be the power of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

I was discharged on Feb. 3, 2015, and was very fortunate to be admitted into a world-renowned physical therapy program for the next 11 months. I was frustrated because I couldn't move the way I once did, but I knew deep inside that I had to use this opportunity to show actual proof. Nichiren Daishonin writes: "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?" ("Reply to Kyo'o," The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 412). Every day before and after rehab, I would chant to strengthen my resolve to regain full function of my body.

With the encouragement of my young men's leaders, I started to support intro-to-Buddhism meetings and enrolled in a junior college to continue my education. It was not easy, since I needed to review many of my high school courses because of the stroke, but I worked hard at it.

I joined the Gajokai Academy, an SGI young men's training group, and began doing Gajokai shifts consistently every Wednesday night at my local Buddhist center. Today, it is my honor to welcome members and guests, and to give back to the environment that has fully supported me through the darkest moments in my life.

When I started to participate regularly in SGI activities, my recovery accelerated. I was able to go to the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu in Tokyo, and I recently attended two FNCC conferences. Although I still had remnants of anxiety, I was so inspired to hear the amazing faith experiences of other young men that it gave me the courage to begin sharing my own experience. That conference became a turning point in my life and my practice. I am proud to report that I am now able to drive myself to SGI activities and to school, where I am studying to become a substance abuse counselor. In addition, my body is almost completely functional and still improving every day. Recently, I was appointed a young men's vice district leader. These are tremendous victories for a person who was supposed to die, or destined to live in a long-term care facility.

With the sincere prayers and support of my SGI family, and looking toward the gathering of 50,000 youth in 2018, I am determined to share this Buddhism with as many individuals as I can, and have them experience the great joy of this practice.

I am a Bodhisattva of the Earth, and I will be victorious over and over again. I will defeat all the obstacles and challenges that lie ahead of me. I will do all of this with my mentor, President Ikeda, whose spirit inspired my parents to fight by my side, and enabled me to never give up.

by Kelvin Carr
The World Tribune, March 2017

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 2017 gosho 可延定业书






本篇御书是日莲大圣人,在1275年, 写给住在下总国(今日本 千叶县 北部区域)富木常忍之妻 富木女居士的书信。


本篇 篇名 “定业” 中的 “业”,
是指由于身、口、意 所做出的善恶行为 成为因,
报应的内容与出现的时期己经注定的业,就是 “定业”,
并非注定的 “业” 即是 “不定业”。




接着,有介绍精通医术 而且是法华经行者的门下 四条金吾给她,鼓励她接受金吾 的治疗。




1. 通过信心,任何宿业都能加以转换 
2. 要治好病,必须要有智慧与生命力 
3. 为广宣流布而活是最大的幸福 

1. 通过信心,任何宿业都能加以转换

本篇御书题号中的 “定业” 就是指 “寿命”。


大圣人以此教导,因为就连寿命这个 “定业” 都可以转变,所以一定要抱着任何宿业都能够转变的确信来唱题,这点很重要。 

2. 要治好病,必须要有智慧与生命力

此外,认为 “因为有信心,
就没必要去看医生或寻求治疗” 的想法是错误的。


过正确的智慧 ,把自己的饮食和生活习惯导向正确的方向,这一点很重要。

3. 为广宣流布而活是最大的幸福 




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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Guidance for Overcoming Illness

Guidance for Overcoming Illness

For any of you who are facing illness - this should raise your spirits!
The person who originally compiled these quotes
was able to use this practice and modern medicine
to overcome breast cancer completely.
Please feel free to forward a link to this blogpost
to anyone who is suffering from illness.

From President Ikeda's Lecture series "The Hope-filled Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin: On Prolonging One's Life Span - Faith for Leading a Long and healthy Life" in the July-August 08 Living Buddhism. (Thank you to my friend Melissa Bradford for compiling these great quotes!)

"Suffering from illness is a means by which you can eradicate your negative karma."
President Toda, as quoted by President Ikeda. - pg 70

"To see illness as an opportunity to transform our karma – this strong spirit and resolve can break through all obstacles and devilish functions and open wide the path to happiness. Like a rocket blasting out of the earth's atmosphere, the passionate conviction of faith that comes from viewing illness as an opportunity to transform our karma can become a powerful engine propelling us forward not only in this existence but throughout eternity, enabling us to freely savor everlasting happiness." Pg 74

"Becoming ill in itself is certainly not a sign of defeat. Even the Buddha, who is said to have 'few ills and few worries' (LS, 214), struggles with sickness from time to time. Accordingly, there will be times when we are confronted with illness. The important point above all is not to be defeated mentally or emotionally by the prospect of being ill. Faith is the source of the fighting spirit to stand up to illness. Therefore, as we noted earlier, Nichiren Daishonin first of all talks about the 'treasure of faith'. Pg 77

"As Nichiren says, 'Illness gives rise to the resolve to attain the way' (The Good Medicine for All Ills, WND-1, 937). If a practitioner who upholds faith in the Mystic Law becomes ill, it definitely has some profound meaning. It could be said that confronting illness is one route to awakening to the eternity of life. President Toda often said, 'A person who has overcome a major illness knows how to deeply savor life.'" Pg78

From Matilda Buck's guidance, World Tribune 4/27/01 pg 10 "When We Face Disappointment" – regarding SGI leaders who overcame cancer and chanted this way:

Through this experience, I will become someone who does not doubt the Gohonzon (my life), no matter what happens.
As a Bodhisattva of the Earth, I have the mission to experience this, and as a Bodhisattva of the Earth, I have the mission to create a victory.
I will share the power of Buddhism with others, even as I grapple with this experience.
I won't let my spirits stay down. I won't make a place in my life for negativity to settle.

From The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra Volume 6: "Praying with doubt is like trying to keep water in a bathtub with the plug pulled. Our good fortune and benefit will drain away. A passage from the 'Perceiver of the World's Sounds' chapter reads, 'from thought to thought never entertaining doubt!' A confident prayer will reverberate powerfully throughout the entire universe." Pg 88

From Buddhism Day by Day:

"Buddhism views illness as an opportunity to attain a higher, nobler state of life. It teaches that, instead of agonizing over a serious disease, or despairing of ever overcoming it, we should use illness as a means to build a strong, compassionate self, which in turn will make it possible for us to be truly victorious." pg 300

"The expansive world lies not in some distant place; it exists right where you are. That is why you need to win where you are right now. Today's victory is linked to your eternal victory." Page 314

"No matter what the circumstances, you should never concede defeat. Never conclude that you've reached a dead end, that everything is finished. You possess a glorious future. And precisely because of that, you must persevere and study. Life is eternal. We need to focus on the two existences of the present and the future and not get caught up in the past. We must always have the spirit to begin anew 'from this moment,' to initiate a new struggle each day." Pg 315

"The air around us is filled with radio waves of various frequencies. While these are invisible, a television set can collect them and turn them into visible images. The practice of chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo aligns the rhythm of our own lives with the world of Buddhahood in the universe. It 'tunes' our lives, so to speak, so that we can manifest the power of Buddhahood in our very beings." Pg 314

From For Today and Tomorrow Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda:

Sept 20 pg 288: When your determination changes, everything else will begin to move in the direction you desire. The moment you resolve to be victorious, every nerve and fiber in your being will immediately orient itself toward your success. On the other hand, if you think "This is never going to work out," then at that instant every cell in your being will be deflated and give up the fight, and then everything really will move in the direction of failure.

Aug 15 pg 249: The first thing is to pray. From the moment we begin to pray, things start moving. The darker the night, the closer the dawn. From the moment we chant daimoku with a deep and powerful resolve, the sun begins to rise in our hearts. Hope – prayer is the sun of hope. To chant daimoku each time we face a problem, overcoming it and elevating our life-condition as a result – this is the path of "changing earthly desires into enlightenment," taught in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism.

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Saturday, April 15, 2017














池田先生說:「信仰是為了使人性開花,就如同一朵可愛的鮮花能讓四周明亮、溫暖人心」。 因此,就讓我們學習正確的信仰,鍛鏈自我的生命,為自己與他人的幸福努力不懈!


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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Spirit of “Oneness of Mentor and Disciple” and the Unity of “Many in Body, One in Mind” Are the Key to Victory*

The Spirit of "Oneness of Mentor and Disciple" and the Unity of "Many in Body, One in Mind" Are the Key to Victory*

"Though evils may be numerous, they cannot prevail over a single great truth [or good]" (WND-1, 618)—here, the Daishonin teaches us the key to that victory in the following passage: "Although Nichiren and his followers are few, because they are different in body, but united in mind [many in body, one in mind], they will definitely accomplish their great mission of widely propagating the Lotus Sutra [Nam-myoho-renge-kyo]" (WND-1, 618).

When the forces for good are truly united as "many in body, one in mind," they are certain to win in the end.

Aligning our hearts with the mentors of kosen-rufu and fighting with the "strategy of the Lotus Sutra" always lead to victory. By persevering with courageous faith, we can uphold and promote what's right. By building an organization dedicated to good, in which many different individuals are united in purpose, we can vanquish any evil. This is the ultimate meaning of "faith for absolute victory."

-- THE BUDDHISM OF THE SUN—ILLUMINATING THE WORLD [13] The Five Eternal Guidelines of the Soka Gakkai—Part 5 [of 5] "Faith for Absolute Victory"—Prayer Based on the Shared Vow of Mentor and Disciple



"恶党虽多,不能胜一善。"(御书 1540 页)教导这项胜利要诀 的一节就是"日莲一门,既是异体同心,人虽不多,大事可成,须知 必能弘得法华经也。"(同上页)

正义的阵营只要以异体同心的团结迎敌,最后绝对能够胜利。 与广宣流布的师匠同心,靠《法华经》的兵法奋战,必能得胜! 只要贯彻有勇气的信心,一定能够宣扬正义!

只要构筑化异体为同心的善之团结,不论任何恶都能破除! 这就是"绝对胜利的信心"的精髓。

-- 照耀世界的太阳佛法(13) 第十三回:创价学会永远五指针5 绝对胜利的信心──秉持师弟誓愿的不二祈求

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The universe and our lives are manifestation of the Mystic Law, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

"The universe and our lives are manifestation of the Mystic Law, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
Since all are entities of the Mystic Law, they are essentially one and indivisible.
Therefore, when we focus on chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, our lives and the universe merge like cogs (合并像齿轮) in a great machine meshing together with perfect precision(完美的精度), and we begin to move in the direction of happiness and fulfillment.

We can be in rhythm with the universe 365 days a year, manifesting the vigor, wisdom and good fortune with which to surmount any problem or suffering. When we rev up (加速) the powerful, revitalizing engine of Buddhahood, we can break through any impasse and boldly steer ourselves in the direction of hope, justice and happiness!"

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