Friday, October 4, 2024


🌈🌈🌈*We begin each day with gongyo, singing an invigorating song of praise for our lives. Our vibrant voices ring throughout the universe, activating the protective workings of the Buddhas and heavenly deities.*

*The verse section of the "Life Span" (16th) chapter of the Lotus Sutra that we recite daily contains the words: "Where living beings enjoy themselves at ease. / The gods strike heavenly drums, / constantly making many kinds of music". (LSOC16, p 272) [In gongyo, the passage reads: "Shujo sho yu-raku. Shoten gyaku tenku. Jo sas shu gi-gaku."]*

*Referring to this passage, second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda once said humorously: "You were all born to enjoy your lives to the fullest. In order to truly savour that enjoyment, a little suffering is necessary, in the way a pinch of salt adds flavor. Right now, you all have too much salt!"*

*He went on to encourage us, saying that no matter how troubled the world may be, we should create a rhythm of hope, like heavenly drums beating in tune with the Mystic Law; perform a wondrous melody that resounds as a joy-filled symphony; and strive to build a network where all can be happy and at ease.*

Excerpts from Creative Life 10/2018, pg.2-3

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