Friday, June 16, 2023

Benefit of the fiftieth (50th) person


5月 28日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

May 28
The truth is that devoting ourselves to others' happiness is actually a necessary condition for becoming genuinely happy ourselves.
Saturday, May 27th, 2023
Let's make sure to express
our deepest respect and appreciation
to all of those
who dedicate themselves
to the growth and smiles
of our Future Division members,
the successors of kosen-rufu!
There is no doubt that
your noble efforts to raise
and develop the next generation
will bring immeasurable
good fortune and benefits
to shine in your lives.

Saturday, May 27th, 2023
"In the case of this sutra, the benefits gained from it increase in depth and bounty, and they continue down to the fiftieth person who hears of it. In the case of the other sutras, however, there is no benefit to be gained even by the first person who hears them, much less by the second, third, or fourth person, and so on down to the fiftieth person. Though rivers may be deep, their depth cannot match even the shallow places of the ocean."

(The Essence of
the "Medicine King" Chapter
- WND, Vol. 1, page 92)
Selection Source:
Ikeda Sensei's guidance,
Seikyo Newspaper, May 27th, 2023

Sunday, May 28th, 2023
"When we make our lives shine with wisdom and compassion and help others do the same, the light of happiness of the true joy of living emanating from our lives will illuminate the gloom and uncertainty shrouding our times.

Editorial May/June, Sending Forth a Refreshing Breeze of Encouragement, SGI Newsletter No. 11246, May 2023 Daibyakurenge, translation released April 17th, 2023.
Today's Gosho: 1151

"Even an ignorant person can obtain blessings by serving someone who expounds the Lotus Sutra. No matter if he is a demon or an animal, if someone proclaims even a single verse or phrase of the Lotus Sutra, you must respect him as you would the Buddha."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND, 757)



《御義口傳》云「現在日蓮及門下弟子唱奉南無妙法蓮華經 就如大風吹一樣。(中御二 . 180頁)。

這金句宣說題目擁有如大風般的力量,不但能使自己生命強盛起來,也可以改變眾人的生命。這是大聖人就《法華經》< 見寶塔品第十一 >的「譬如大風,吹小樹枝」一文的口傳講義。





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