Thursday, December 10, 2020

Check out this quote

Hi, Iʼm reading this book and wanted to share this quote with you.

"By chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we swing open the gates to this majestic palace of enlightenment. Manifesting the life condition of Buddhahood, here and now, as you are, is standing up for your life—opening the wellspring of wisdom, courage, and compassion within your essence, enabling you to overcome any adversity. I like to imagine the layers of consciousness as a water fountain. The ninth consciousness is your very own deep reservoir of pure water. Chanting is opening a pipeline to bring that clean water rushing up through your other layers of consciousness, to purify and clarify your perception of the world. Accessing this purifying force is crucial, since the influence of karma is often less about what happens in life and more about how we perceive what happens in life—how our internal "sediment" clouds our view of the world." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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