Friday, May 3, 2019

It’s crucial to have Courage! Mr Toda, “Real members and true disciples are those who are willing to cast their lot with the Soka Gakkai”

Sensei's guidance:
Deep faith means to believe in the 'existence of the Buddha nature in our own lives and those of others.'
At the same time, equally crucial, is to have steadfast faith that remains unwavering no matter what happens, and strong faith that will not be defeated by any kind of devilish functions.

All people inherently possess the inner worlds of Bodhisattva and Buddhahood, as such, we also have the courage within ourselves. The question is whether we make the effort to draw it forth or not.
The courage we develop through Gakkai activities becomes the fighting spirit with which we can take on the difficult obstacles that arise in life.

Mr. Toda was very strict with members with lacked courage and who did not even try to rouse their courage. This is because without courage, they could not protect the beloved members or attain victory in kosen-rufu, and would make their own lives miserable.

Real members and true disciples are those who are willing to cast their lot with the Soka Gakkai."

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