Tuesday, July 5, 2022

True fulfilment comes from creating a goal for oneself and fulfilling it 🙏


7月 6日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

July 6
To lose hope is to lose the light of life. Faith is what ignites hope in one's heart and causes joy to burn brightly.

🌞Good morning Myo Ho sister !
🙏Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together let's encourage one other.
👋👋 The key to true self- development is to exert ourselves in faith, in our Buddhist practice, to overcome all obstacles.

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's guidance

💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️"We don't take on difficulties only after deepening our faith.
Instead, by facing difficulties we can polish our lives and develop invincible, diamond-like faith.
🛎🛎Whatever problems we have, we should chant honestly about them to the Gohonzon.
🙏📿Through chanting Nam-myoho-renge- kyo, we will find a way to overcome them. This difference in the order of things may seem subtle, but it is decisive.
As we strive to fulfil our unique missions, we inevitably encounter difficulties.
💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️But as long as our hearts remain steadfast and our faith firm, there is no hardship we
cannot surmount, no ordeal that we cannot break through.
💪We inherently possess immeasurable power.
That is the power of the Buddha of limitless joy enlightened since time without beginning.
👋👋Therefore, the more we challenge ourselves, the more power we can bring forth.
Faith enables us to tap this hidden treasure.
💪✌️😇Great hardships are springboards to profound awakening and mean we are certain to attain Buddhahood."

😇😇Becoming people whose Buddhahood shines forth ever more brightly the greater the challenges we face is the path to attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.✌️✌️
Tuesday, July 5th, 2022-- TO MY FRIENDS --
The Daishonin encourages us,
"You must simply
make up your mind."*
Winning or losing in a struggle
is determined by our momentum.
With pride in our hearts
as Bodhisattvas of the Earth,
let's boldly and courageously
battle on towards victory!

* "Reply to Yasaburo,"
WND-l page 826

Tuesday, July 5th, 2022--- DAILY GOSHO ---
"If the mind of faith is perfect, then the water of wisdom, the great impartial wisdom, will never dry up."

("Letter to Akimoto,"
WND-l page 1015)
Selection Source: Suntetsu
Seikyo Newspaper: July 5th, 2022
Wednesday, July 6th, 2022---- DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT ----
"Mr. Toda declared: 'The Soka Gakkai is the king of the religious world!' This is because our organisation is dedicated to working for the happiness of all people based on Nichiren Buddhism, an unsurpassed philosophy of respect for the dignity of life.

"What defines true human greatness or nobility? It ultimately comes down to the convictions a person holds and the actions they take.

"The Daishonin writes: '[the Lotus Sutra] is superior to all other sutras. It is like the lion king, the monarch of all the creatures that run on the ground, and like the eagle, the king of all the creatures that fly in the sky' (WND-1, 929-30)."

Towards 2030—To My Young Successors, The Torchbearers of Justice, [24] Entrusting the Baton of Soka to You, Our Young Champions! March 1st, 2022 issue of Future Journal, translation released June 2022

6th Jul. Daily Guidance By Daisaku Ikeda:

Fulfillment does not come from doing things because someone tells us to. True fulfillment lies in creating a goal for ourselves, and then daring to challenge difficulties in seeing it through to completion. We must continue to make tenacious efforts. In the course of this process, we will experience a great blossoming in our ability and character. 🙏🏻


重要的是自己怎样去创造真正 "充实" 的人生,自己怎样去行动和怎样去体会 。并非由他人去决定,而是由自己来树立一个目标, 毅然向困难挑战,目不断地去努力。这样做才能使自己本身的 "能力" 和 "人格" 也得到成长 。 🙏🏻

Himoku are the fish with only one eye each, so the male and female remain together for life. A husband and wife should be like them. 🙏🏻

Letter to the Brothers


比 目 鱼 各 具 一 目,故 一 生 之 间,永 不 相 离 。夫 妻 亦 如 是 。

《 兄弟抄》

比目鱼因为雌雄各只有一只眼晴,所以一生之中永远相伴相随,绝不分开 。夫妻也是一样 。 🙏🏻
Today's Gosho: 834

"If one is born in a country where the Lotus Sutra is propagated and, on hearing the daimoku of the sutra, one is moved to take faith in it, this is because one has accumulated a rich store of good actions in the past. Thus, even though one may be an evil person lacking in wisdom in one's present existence, when one hears the name of the sutra, one will take faith in it and hence will not fall into the evil paths."

Nichiren Daishonin ( WND2, 141/142 )

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