Monday, April 30, 2018

The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace (P30 CL May2018)

Part 3
Kosen-rufu and World Peace

Chapter 18
A Life Dedicated to Kosen-rufu

Introduction to the Chapter:

Do not ask whether the mighty flow of kosen-rufu
is an inevitable consequence of history.
Rather, always ask yourself 
whether you have the passion 
to make kosen-rufu inevitable
through your own sweat and effort.

-- Excerpted "From the Indigo, an Even Deeper Blue."

President Ikeda once said to a group of young people:

    Nichiren Daishonin writes:
"Whether or not your prayer is answered will depend on your faith." (WND-1, 1079)
What kind of faith ensures that our prayers are answered?  Faith dedicated to kosen-rufu, in which we pray and take action not only for ourselves, but for the happiness of others and the welfare of society.
    In my case, every one of my prayers has come true, because I was resolved that kosen-rufu could definitely be accomplished -- or rather, that I would accomplish it without fail -- and persevered earnestly based upon this vow.
     Kosen-rufu is an unprecedented revolution of all humankind, expanding the sphere of peace, culture, and education throughout the world while enabling each individual to reveal their Buddha nature and bring their inherent dignity to shine forth.  No life is nobler than one dedicated to this cause.