Saturday, April 14, 2018

🌈誓愿的祈求 Prayer Infused A Vow 🙏

🌈誓愿的祈求 Prayer Infused A Vow 🙏

总而言之,没有比贯彻地涌"誓愿"的人生更坚强、尊贵、明朗 的人间革命剧。既不仰赖任何事物,也不依靠任何人,自己身为妙法 当体,与师匠一同誓愿、祈求、行动、奋战,成就一个个大愿。在自 己誓愿的使命国土挺身而出,建设乐土。

A life dedicated to realizing the vow of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth is a drama of human revolution that is incomparably noble, empowering, and positive. It does not seek salvation from some external power or depend on someone else for happiness. Embodying the Mystic Law, we unite with our mentor to make a vow, chant, take action, and accomplish one great goal after another. We strive to build a realm of true peace and happiness in the place where we have voluntarily chosen to appear and fulfill our mission.


Our vow is the source of courage that enables us to bring forth the wisdom and power of the Buddha inherent in our lives.


Our vow is the banner of unending victory that causes cheers of jubilation to reverberate as we change karma into mission.


Our vow is the light of hope that expands our network of "many in body, one in mind," transcending all differences.


And through our vow, mentor and disciple are eternally one and united, across time and space.


Now, at the start of the Year of Brilliant Achievement, let us return to our original vow of time without beginning and, with a thoroughly revitalized life force, forge ahead bravely and vigorously to pave the way to happiness and security of all, a peaceful and harmonious world, and a transformation in the destiny of humankind.

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