Saturday, March 25, 2017

3.5 MD day message by sensei

 5 日壮年部成立之日的意义

 3  5 日,池田会长在日本创价学会总部的三楼本部大佛堂 举行了壮年部结成典礼,也就是"壮年部结成之日"。当时池田会长 就任会长大约有六年了。
池田会长坚信,广宣流布如同一座宏伟建筑,壮年是其支柱。壮年 站起来,大家就会勇气百倍。壮年的存在极其重要,力量巨大。
池田会长在致词中,提醒壮年在组织中的重要使命。又谈到一生贯 彻信心的重要性。
池田会长也说到:"此刻不站立起来,何时站立起来?此刻不奋斗, 何时奋斗?难道要等几十年后再站起来?谁知道那时会怎样呢? 在就是黄金时刻,生命的时间不是有限的吗?
"只要壮年部大发展,形成坚固的广宣流布阵势,我创价学会就永 远坚如磐石." 池田会长的声音如狮子吼般在壮年部员的内心深处轰 隆作响。
最后,池田会长呼吁壮年部员说:"一起奋斗吧!让我们一起创造新 的历史!同样是一生,就让我们为法战而活吧!".

March 5 - Significance of the Men Division Formation Day
It was on March 5, 1966, at a ceremony held in the hall on the third floor of the Japan Soka Gakkai Headquarters, where President Ikeda established the Men Division (now known as the Men Division Formation Day). Approximately six years had passed since President Ikeda had become president of the Soka Gakkai.
President Ikeda firmly believed that the members of the Men Division were the pillars supporting the grand structure of kosen-rufu. When men stand up, it gives others courage. Their presence is significant, and their potential is tremendous.
In his message, President Ikeda touched upon the role of the Men Division in the organization and the importance of carrying out faith throughout one's life.
He also called upon the Men Division members, "If you don't stand up now, when will you? If you don't exert yourselves now, when will you? How many decades do you intend to wait before you take your stand? There is no telling what condition you will bein then. You are in the prime of your life. It is a precious time in this present finite existence."
If the Men Division develop remarkably and establish a solid framework for kosen-rufu, our organization will remain sercure forever. President Ikeda's voice, reverberating like the roar of a lion, deeply struck the hearts of the Men Division members.
Finally, President Ikeda called out to the Men Division members, "Everyone! Let's struggle together! Let's make a history of fresh achievements! If you are going to live this life, let us use it striving dynamically for the sake of the Law." 

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