Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Happy are people can leave behind a legacy

17/3/16, 7:38:03 AM: Kwee! Chang: 17th Mar. Daily guidance by Daisaku Ikeda :
Happy are people who at the end of their days have something to leave behind . How much happier , still , are those who leave an endearing legacy in the annals of history. Glory and satisfaction belong to those who fight on undaunted by life's vicissitudes right up until they have completed building their chosen tower . 🙏

3月17日, 池田先生今日指导 :
能够在临终时留下一些东西的人生是幸福的 。更幸福的还是那些在历史上留下不朽的遗物的人 。光荣与满足属于不畏惧周遭的变化, 継续奋斗 , 直到完成了自己所选择的城堡为止的人所有 。 🙏

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