Tuesday, November 24, 2015



No matter what's happened up to now, the important thing is to look ahead and resolve to do your best.

Everything starts from now, from this moment, from today. If you keep moving forward cheerfully and steadily, you can learn even from your mistakes and do better next time. By doing your best now, you can make the most of your past experiences and open the door to infinite possibilities. What matters is that you think about what needs to be done now and then give your all to accomplishing it.

Everyone has something they aren't good at and experiences times when they just don't want o do what needs to be done. It may seem easier to put off things we aren't good at or that we don't want to do. But the reality is that the more we delay doing those things, the more they weigh on us and the more difficult they become to do. Putting off what we need to do only causes us to suffer later.

Nichiren Daishonin says:
"Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of the lion"(WND-1,412).
Like the roar of the lion, the king of beast, daimoku is the greatest source of strength that nothing can defeat. When you chant daimoku, the lion- like courage and determination to realise your goals will well up inside you. The next step is take action.

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