Thursday, November 29, 2018

Life is a struggle against the limited time we have on earth.

Sensei's guidances:-
IF we do not rise to the challenge now, then when? If we do not strive today, then when? Life is a struggle against the limited time we have on earth. What will have been the purpose of our life if we do not fulfill our mission? If we abandon our dream, no matter how we try to justify ourselves, there will be little left in the end but emptiness and regret. Nichiren Daishonin wrote, "You must not spend your lives in vain and regret it for ten thousand years to come." (WND, p622)

THE pattern of our lives, like that of the sun, may seem monotonous and routine, but there is nothing more profound than our daily endeavours. Achieving brilliant victory in our daily lives is what being victorious in faith is all about.

ORIGINALLY, every person's life is a brilliant shining mirror. Differences arise depending on whether or not one polishes this mirror. A polished mirror is the Buddha's life, whereas a tarnished mirror is that of a common mortal. Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is what polishes our life. Not only do one undertake this practice ourselves, we also endeavour to teach others about the Mystic Law so that the mirror of their life shines brightly too.

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