Saturday, December 16, 2017

Parable of the Phantom City and the Treasure Land (Chapter 7)

Buddhahood seems like a goal; but it is not," clarifies SGI President Daisaku Ikeda. "It is a clear path. It is hope itself—hope to advance eternally toward self-improvement, greater fulfillment and increased peace of mind and enjoyment in life." In other words, the road to the treasure land is in fact the treasure land itself. The process is, in actuality, the end goal. Buddhahood does not exist in some far-off place, but amidst the reality of our daily efforts and struggles to expand our potential, overcome obstacles and help lead others to happiness—the same fundamental aspiration as the Buddha.Like the travelers seeking the treasure land, many of us, when pursuing a goal or a dream, become deadlocked and experience the waning of our initial passion and enthusiasm. Being satisfied with our achievements thus far is like never leaving the phantom city—an illusion of comfort that creates boundaries which limit our potential. This is why it is crucial that we find as much value and joy in the process of pursuing our goals as in achieving them. Even if our goals alter and change, by earnestly pursuing them, we embark on a journey through which our growth and potential are realized. As President Ikeda states, "Happiness is not found in a tranquil life free of storms and tempests. Real happiness is found in the struggles we undergo to realize our goals, in our efforts to move forward."