Tuesday, June 30, 2015

?? They champion Shyara law to be implemented in every society. That's their vision. GOSH!!!

30/6/15 9:46:27 pm: Kwee! Chang: Watch "Muslims conquering Europe! A Spy reveal the truth! PART 2 of 4 Leaks from inside reality 2013" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/7bg3CLbn2vs
9:47:03 pm: Kwee! Chang: This is the situation when a country bring in Islam to their community.
30/6/15 9:50:18 pm: Kwee! Chang: See how they dig in between the craveses of democracy.
30/6/15 9:52:46 pm: Kwee! Chang: They champion Shyara law to be implemented in every society. That's their vision.

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Monday, June 29, 2015

India's glorious past

29/6/15 11:09:00 pm: Kwee! Chang: India was the most scientifically advanced nation on earth since the fount of civilization back in 3500 BC until 1200 AD. In any field of science ( Mathematics, Mettalurgy, Medicine, Astronomy , Philosophy, Logic etc) you find India was ALWAYS a step ahead of the rest of the civilized world. It all changed starting with the destruction of the great Universities like Nalanda, Vikramshila , Sarnath etc . This along with the huge translation of Sanskrit texts into Latin helped Europe overtake India by 1600 AD, culminating with the transmission of Calculus by the Jesuit missionaries. After Issac Newton got his hands on this grand instrument, Europe gained ascendancy.

11:10:09 pm: Kwee! Chang: Buddhism was widespread in India before Islam took over. The disappearance of many Buddhist trace in India was the result of Islamic conquest of India and not Hindu.

Islamic conquest of India. Bloodiest in the history of World (Full)
11:13:23 pm: Kwee! Chang: this is directly from a Arab Ex-Muslim. The last few minutes of his observation is very true.
11:13:23 pm: Kwee! Chang: He said, " In my view, if Islam were implemented properly, this would spell the destruction of the Arab and Muslim world - the whole world, in fact- because every Muslim would become a Bin Laden."
29/6/15 11:13:23 pm: Kwee! Chang: ISIS killers hug men accused of being gay before stoning them death | Daily Mail Online - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3052563/A-hug-mercy-executioner-stones-two-men-death-gay-Astonishing-scenes-Syria-ISIS-murderers-stage-kindness-cameras-brutal-killing.html
29/6/15 11:14:09 pm: Kwee! Chang:

11:14:09 pm: Kwee! Chang:


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?? Islam

29/6/15 4:51:20 pm: Kwee! Chang: Unknown years of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unknown_years_of_Jesus
5:11:40 pm: Kwee! Chang: this is directly from a Arab Ex-Muslim. The last few minutes of his observation is very true.
5:11:40 pm: Kwee! Chang: He said, " In my view, if Islam were implemented properly, this would spell the destruction of the Arab and Muslim world - the whole world, in fact- because every Muslim would become a Bin Laden."
29/6/15 5:11:40 pm: Kwee! Chang: Buddhism was widespread in India before Islam took over. The disappearance of many Buddhist trace in India was the result of Islamic conquest of India and not Hindu.

Islamic conquest of India. Bloodiest in the history of World (Full)
5:11:40 pm: Kwee! Chang: India was the most scientifically advanced nation on earth since the fount of civilization back in 3500 BC until 1200 AD. In any field of science ( Mathematics, Mettalurgy, Medicine, Astronomy , Philosophy, Logic etc) you find India was ALWAYS a step ahead of the rest of the civilized world. It all changed starting with the destruction of the great Universities like Nalanda, Vikramshila , Sarnath etc . This along with the huge translation of Sanskrit texts into Latin helped Europe overtake India by 1600 AD, culminating with the transmission of Calculus by the Jesuit missionaries. After Issac Newton got his hands on this grand instrument, Europe gained ascendancy.

5:11:40 pm: Kwee! Chang: ISIS killers hug men accused of being gay before stoning them death | Daily Mail Online - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3052563/A-hug-mercy-executioner-stones-two-men-death-gay-Astonishing-scenes-Syria-ISIS-murderers-stage-kindness-cameras-brutal-killing.html

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

?? Leaving Islam

Watch "Ex-Muslim Mona Walter Left Islam After Reading the Quran" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/d4Q8bImiPCM

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Friday, June 26, 2015

Warrior monks?

12:28:08 pm: Kwee! Chang: ( 妙 法 莲 华 经 CHAP 10 PG 402 = PG164)

我 所 说 诸 经 无 量 千 万 亿
已 说 今 说 当 说 而 於 其 中
此 法 华 经 最 为 难 信 难 解

The sutras I have preached number immeasurable thousands, ten thousands, millions. Among the sutras I have preached, now preached and will preached, this sutra is the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand.
27/6/15 12:28:08 pm: Kwee! Chang: This piece is about generic Buddhist text non Lotus Sutra though that is also violence in nature. This till date, only the Lotus Sutra makes the most sense but is too profound for some.

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?? Islam

Watch "Richard Dawkins Seethes With Intellectual Rage and Indignation At a Room Full Of Simpletons" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/Ulwxitg9tv0
11:38:10 am: Kwee! Chang: Top ten reasons why Islam is not a religion of peace - http://www.answering-islam.org/Authors/Arlandson/ten_reasons.htm
27/6/15 11:39:11 am: Kwee! Chang: It is a wake up call for us to do shakubuku.
27/6/15 11:47:50 am: Kwee! Chang: Watch "Apostasy in Islam:Richard Dawkins extracts some truth from a Muslim" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/pQzuFrMRA3M
12:12:30 pm: Kwee! Chang: All these are additional information for your understanding that shows why the importance of risho ankoku is. Without the light of the Lotus Sutra to illuminates, all such teachings are liken to the core of parasites to humanity and will ultimately sap up the life of mankind. So arm yourself and open to more dialogue and shakubuku.

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?? Islam and Muslim

: "I had no Idea how bad Islam was until I dated a Muslim…" | Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs: Islam, Jihad, Israel and the Islamic War on the West - http://pamelageller.com/2014/05/idea-bad-islam-dated-muslim.html/

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The daimoku

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Buddhism is rooted in reality; Power of Prayers; Conviction in the unseen

       For Today and Tomorrow
Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Thursday, June 25, 2015
We live in an age where opportunities for profound life-to-life inspiration are all but nonexistent. Idle amusements bring only fleeting pleasure. They produce neither profound inspiration nor growth for one's life. By contrast, Buddhism exists to enable people to realize personal growth and to improve their lives. Buddhism is always rooted in the reality of life. It is the wellspring of wisdom for bringing harmony and happiness to our families, local communities and society at large.

          Buddhism Day by Day
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Thursday, June 25, 2015
The first thing is to pray. From the moment we begin to pray, things start moving. The darker the night, the closer the dawn. From the moment we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with a deep and powerful resolve, the sun begins to rise in our hearts. Hope—prayer is the sun of hope. To chant each time we face a problem, overcoming it and elevating our life-condition as a result—this is the path of "changing earthly desires into enlightenment," taught in Nichiren Buddhism.

               Daily Wisdom
From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Thursday, June 25, 2015
There are trails in the sky where birds fly, but people cannot recognize them. There are paths in the sea along which fish swim, but people cannot perceive them. All people and things of the four continents are reflected in the moon without a single exception, but people cannot see them. But they are visible to the heavenly eye. In like manner, ordinary people cannot see that the "Treasure Tower" chapter exists within the body of Lady Nichinyo, but Shakyamuni, Many Treasures, and the Buddhas of the ten directions perceive it. I, Nichiren, also presume this to be the case.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 915
An Outline of the "Entrustment" and Other Chapters
Written to Nichinyo on June 25, 1278

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

✨How to Change the Core of Your Life✨

✨How to Change the Core of Your Life✨
By Ted Morino, SGI-USA Study Department Chief.

First of all, before you begin – RELAX. CLEAR YOUR HEAD. CLEAR YOUR HEART! But especially your head – your mind. Relax emotionally, mentally, physically. It is important to be very natural.

Second, when you chant, you really need to use your eyes. FOCUS ON THE GOHONZON. Then listen to your voice. Focus on the centre part of the Gohonzon, "myoho" – mystical. You have to use your eyes. This is extremely important.

When you really use your eyes, your mind stops. Clear your mind by strongly focusing your eyes. Let your thoughts rest by using your eyes. When you're busy thinking all the time, your mind is sucking energy. This means your mind is taking over (which isn't healthy) but your core isn't changing because the energy isn't being directed there. What you really have to do is look at the Gohonzon with power and let your mind relax.

The Gohonzon in your life already knows your worries and desires. Come from your heart – JUST CHANT WITH YOUR EYES LOCKED ON THE GOHONZON. Then when Nam Myoho Renge Kyo comes into tune with the core of your life, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo will melt away and dissolve karma. It will change into strength so you can become strong and clear-minded enough to accomplish your desires.

In this way, you come to enjoy the act of chanting because you're feeling the core of your life, [Buddhahood]. You're fusing with the highest potential in your life, represented by the Gohonzon.

Question: When I chant I often imagine what I want. I picture it in my mind. I see it happening in my mind. Is that okay?

Answer: Positive imaginings are a good thing, but not strategies. If you are imagining 'how to make it happen,' instead of the images of it, then you are strategizing.

Prayer should come from the heart! The Gohonzon knows your worries and desires. Keep them in your heart, focus on the Gohonzon and simply chant. If you can do simple good daimoku and gongyo, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo goes stronger, deeper, to expand you, dissolve difficult karma and generate positive results. Daimoku should come from your core. If it comes from the mind the mind becomes stronger and so does the confusion.

When you close your eyes or avert them from the Gohonzon, the power to fuse the core of your life with the Gohonzon weakens and the mind plays around. Chant clearly, confidently, comfortably. We need to keep checking ourselves. It's easy to get carried away by force of old habits and chant emotionally or while uptight.

JUST CHANT. When you read, read. When you chant, chant. After good daimoku, you may read, or your schedule may require you to get right to work or do things you need to do. You may have a busy life, but don't have busy daimoku. Don't be busy while you chant – FOCUS! Through focused daimoku, you can melt away negative karma. Karma is going to be dissolved.

Chanting is a time to cultivate your life, not think about your strategies. Daimoku is the time to enrich your Buddha nature, not the time to have a planning meeting for your life or day.

In my head: Positive imaginings
In my heart: Deep prayer
In my mouth: Clear chanting 🙏🙏🙏

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Monday, June 22, 2015

How to Change the Core of Your Life

23/6/15 8:34:21 am: Kwee! Chang:
How to Change the Core of Your Life

By Ted Morino, SGI-USA Study Department Chief.

First of all, before you begin – RELAX. CLEAR YOUR HEAD. CLEAR YOUR HEART! But especially your head – your mind. Relax emotionally, mentally, physically. It is important to be very natural.

Second, when you chant, you really need to use your eyes. FOCUS ON THE GOHONZON. Then listen to your voice. Focus on the centre part of the Gohonzon, "myoho" – mystical. You have to use your eyes. This is extremely important.

When you really use your eyes, your mind stops. Clear your mind by strongly focusing your eyes. Let your thoughts rest by using your eyes. When you're busy thinking all the time, your mind is sucking energy. This means your mind is taking over (which isn't healthy) but your core isn't changing because the energy isn't being directed there. What you really have to do is look at the Gohonzon with power and let your mind relax.

The Gohonzon in your life already knows your worries and desires. Come from your heart – JUST CHANT WITH YOUR EYES LOCKED ON THE GOHONZON. Then when Nam Myoho Renge Kyo comes into tune with the core of your life, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo will melt away and dissolve karma. It will change into strength so you can become strong and clear-minded enough to accomplish your desires.

In this way, you come to enjoy the act of chanting because you're feeling the core of your life, [Buddhahood]. You're fusing with the highest potential in your life, represented by the Gohonzon. WHEN YOU'RE THINKING STRATEGIES, YOU'RE NOT CHANGING YOUR KARMA.
23/6/15 8:34:21 am: Kwee! Chang: 每日指导
6月 23日
23/6/15 8:34:21 am: Kwee! Chang: Today and Tomorrow
Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Monday, June 22, 2015
It's foolish to be obsessed with past failures. And it's just as foolish to be self-satisfied with one's small achievements. Buddhism teaches that the present and the future are what are important, not the past. It teaches us a spirit of unceasing challenge to win over the present and advance ever toward the future. Those who neglect this spirit of continual striving steer their lives in a ruinous direction.

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Sunday, June 21, 2015

It is wisdom that moves the hearts of others

22/6/15 7:04:31 am: Linda Nah!: 🙏21st June Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda: It is wisdom that moves the hearts of others. Victory is not determined by those around you or things and events in your environment. The most important thing is to cultivate and use your own wisdom. Everything depends on wisdom.


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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The buddha's eternal pledge

Why humans run the world | ideas.ted.com

Why humans run the world | ideas.ted.com


History professor Yuval Noah Harari — author of Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind — explains why humans have dominated Earth. The reason is not what you might expect.

70,000 years ago humans were insignificant animals. The most important thing to know about prehistoric humans is that they were unimportant. Their impact on the world was very small, less than that of jellyfish, woodpeckers or bumblebees.

Today, however, humans control this planet. How did we reach from there to here? What was our secret of success, that turned us from insignificant apes minding their own business in a corner of Africa, into the rulers of the world?

We often look for the difference between us and other animals on the individual level. We want to believe that there is something special about the human body or human brain that makes each individual human vastly superior to a dog, or a pig, or a chimpanzee. But the fact is that one-on-one, humans are embarrassingly similar to chimpanzees. If you place me and a chimpanzee together on a lone island, to see who survives better, I would definitely place my bets on the chimp.

The real difference between us and other animals is on the collective level. Humans control the world because we are the only animal that can cooperate flexibly in large numbers. Ants and bees can also work together in large numbers, but they do so in a very rigid way. If a beehive is facing a new threat or a new opportunity, the bees cannot reinvent their social system overnight in order to cope better. They cannot, for example, execute the queen and establish a republic. Wolves and chimpanzees cooperate far more flexibly than ants, but they can do so only with small numbers of intimately known individuals. Among wolves and chimps, cooperation is based on personal acquaintance. If I am a chimp and I want to cooperate with you, I must know you personally: What kind of chimp are you? Are you a nice chimp? Are you an evil chimp? How can I cooperate with you if I don't know you?

Only Homo sapiens can cooperate in extremely flexible ways with countless numbers of strangers. One-on-one or ten-on-ten, chimpanzees may be better than us. But pit 1,000 Sapiens against 1,000 chimps, and the Sapiens will win easily, for the simple reason that 1,000 chimps can never cooperate effectively. Put 100,000 chimps in Wall Street or Yankee Stadium, and you'll get chaos. Put 100,000 humans there, and you'll get trade networks and sports contests.

Cooperation is not always nice, of course. All the terrible things humans have been doing throughout history are also the product of mass cooperation. Prisons, slaughterhouses and concentration camps are also systems of mass cooperation. Chimpanzees don't have prisons, slaughterhouses or concentration camps.

Yet how come humans alone of all the animals are capable of cooperating flexibly in large numbers, be it in order to play, to trade or to slaughter? The answer is our imagination. We can cooperate with numerous strangers because we can invent fictional stories, spread them around, and convince millions of strangers to believe in them. As long as everybody believes in the same fictions, we all obey the same laws, and can thereby cooperate effectively.

This is something only humans can do. You can never convince a chimpanzee to give you a banana by promising that after he dies, he will go to Chimpanzee Heaven and there receive countless bananas for his good deeds. No chimp will ever believe such a story. Only humans believe such stories. This is why we rule the world, whereas chimps are locked up in zoos and research laboratories.

It is relatively easy to accept that religious networks of cooperation are based on fictional stories. People build a cathedral together or go on crusade together because they believe the same stories about God and Heaven. But the same is true of all other types of large-scale human cooperation. Take for example our legal systems. Today, most legal systems are based on a belief in human rights. But human rights are a fiction, just like God and Heaven. In reality, humans have no rights, just as chimps or wolves have no rights. Cut open a human, and you won't find there any rights. The only place where human rights exist is in the stories we invent and tell one another. Human rights may be a very attractive story, but it is only a story.

The same mechanism is at work in politics. Like gods and human rights, nations are fictions. A mountain is something real. You can see it, touch it, smell it. But the United States or Israel are not a physical reality. You cannot see them, touch them or smell them. They are just stories that humans invented and then became extremely attached to.

It is the same with economic networks of cooperation. Take a dollar bill, for example. It has no value in itself. You cannot eat it, drink it or wear it. But now come along some master storytellers like the Chair of the Federal Reserve and the President of the United States, and convince us to believe that this green piece of paper is worth five bananas. As long as millions of people believe this story, that green piece of paper really is worth five bananas. I can now go to the supermarket, hand a worthless piece of paper to a complete stranger whom I have never met before, and get real bananas in return. Try doing that with a chimpanzee.

Indeed, money is probably the most successful fiction ever invented by humans. Not all people believe in God, or in human rights, or in the United States of America. But everybody believes in money, and everybody believes in the dollar bill. Even Osama bin Laden. He hated American religion, American politics and American culture — but he was quite fond of American dollars. He had no objection to that story.

To conclude, whereas all other animals live in an objective world of rivers, trees and lions, we humans live in dual world. Yes, there are rivers, trees and lions in our world. But on top of that objective reality, we have constructed a second layer of make-believe reality, comprising fictional entities such as the European Union, God, the dollar and human rights.

And as time passes, these fictional entities have become ever more powerful, so that today they are the most powerful forces in the world. The very survival of trees, rivers and animals now depends on the wishes and decisions of fictional entities such as the United States and the World Bank — entities that exist only in our own imagination.

Featured image courtesy iStock.

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Monday, June 15, 2015

Christianity's success: cultural adaptation n their empathy for those who are suffering

Testimonial of Ms Kitagawa : no child lacks a mission

An educator must be a good listener

Mr Masaru Kito's realization: have I really believed that each child i teach has a noble mission?

5 principles for educators

Mr Hagino's testimony... Managing a difficult class through faith n creativity (wisdom)

Itai Doshin

The origin of "Hope Classes"

Sensei's vision of on how to achieve humanistic education

The fundamental principle of humanistic education... Grounded in this passage of LS :)



Sunday, June 14, 2015

Human revolution ; most important: attain Buddhahood via daimoku

15/6/15 8:49:27 am: Judy!: 每日指导
6月 15日


15/6/15 8:50:32 am: Judy!: Daily Encouragement
June 15

Nichiren teaches the meaning of true happiness and the true purpose of life. Fame and momentary glories are no more than illusions. True happiness lies in cultivating the great state of Buddhahood within one's life. This is life's true purpose. By chanting daimoku, we can change all of our sufferings into the ingredients for attaining a Buddha's lofty state of life.

Daisaku Ikeda, SGI President

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Friday, June 12, 2015

Jurassic World actor James DuMont talks Nichiren Buddhism and "a deeper shade of blue." | Thanking the spoon

Jurassic World actor James DuMont talks Nichiren Buddhism and "a deeper shade of blue." | Thanking the spoon

Jurassic World actor James DuMont talks Nichiren Buddhism and "a deeper shade of blue."

Jun 12

davidhare3000Buddhahood, Determination, Gratitude, Happiness, motivation, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, SGI , , , , , , , 1 Comment

Actor and SGI Buddhist James DuMont now has over 100 film & TV credits to his name. They include Ugly Betty, Dallas Buyers Club, House, The West Wing, Oceans 13, War of the Worlds, Seabiscuit and Catch Me If You Can. He has played opposite the likes of Colin Farrell, Al Pacino, Jared Leto, Tom Hanks, Jessica Lange and Kathy Bates. His next movie – Jurassic World – opens today, Friday 12 June.

James DuMont

James DuMont – on a screen near you in Jurassic World!

What I love about James's résumé is that he has slowly, surely and steadily built a successful Hollywood career through his repeated efforts. In fact to land those 100 parts, he has had to do more than 3,000 auditions! And this reminds him of a famous Buddhist quote: "From the indigo, an even deeper blue." This means that, if one dyes something repeatedly in indigo, it becomes even bluer than the indigo leaf itself. In this interview, James shared with me how his strong Buddhist practice sustains him through the ups and downs of life.

What's the biggest obstacle you've overcome through the practice?

My father and his father made huge, detrimental mistakes that destroyed their families and the damage took years and generations to heal and in some cases those issues have been the greatest obstacles I have faced as father and husband. Issues of infidelity, financial mistakes and more importantly issues of being present and available to set an example. This has also been my biggest benefit. I am present for my son and daughter, as best I can. I am working to be a better man, father, husband and son than the men in my family before me. In essence I am redefining the truest meaning of fatherhood in my family and all the responsibility that comes with that. This is not an easy task or mission, but it is mine.

indigo dye

A deeper shade of blue…

What's your favourite Buddhist quote and why? 

SGI President Daisaku Ikeda says: "A great human revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation, and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of all humankind." And another favourite quote (author unknown): "Two things define you, your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything". I have never forgotten where I have come from and this practice allows me to have gratitude and to treat others as I would want to be treated.

Your new movie is Jurassic World, are there any Nichiren Buddhist themes in it?

The most obvious one is "the person & the environment are one!"  If our hearts and minds are pure, then so is the environment. There is also the theme of 'those who do not stop evil are supporting and encouraging it.' Also part of the inherent nature of dinosaurs was to kill, but unlike the dinosaurs, we have the Gohonzon, which gives us a tool to access our Buddhahood and transform ourselves and our inherent nature.

J World 2

Jurassic World

Why do you think Nichiren Buddhism attracts so many actors and artists?

This practice gives you the strength, power and hope to fundamentally transform your own human journey while on this earth. As an actor/artist I can have a deep and profound effect on the planet, if I just dig deep into my own humanity and then bring that to light by unearthing human behaviour in all its beauty, pain, joy and sorrow. That is my mission while I am here. I audition more than 300 times a year, and in a good year I will only succeed with ten of those 300 attempts to share myself and skills. I can't imagine having to deal with that without this practice. It gives me a sword to wield through all these setbacks and come away from them feeling happiness, joy and hope. I hope my life and human revolution will encourage people to stand up and fight even harder!

Tell us more about how you handle rejection as an actor?

I cannot stress enough the resilience this practice gives you and how necessary this is for my life and career. Also sometimes you may 'step in some dog shit' in life and it takes a while to get rid of the smell from your shoes or even from your mind. You smell it, others do or even if they don't, you think they do. You have to shed that mindset and make greater causes in order to counter the temporary nature of 'having shit on your shoes'. I share that analogy a great deal to encourage actors going through serious dry spells of work.

What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?

Trust yourself more, be better to yourself and do this chanting thing that's been put right in front of you!

You can view James' showreel here:


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关于祈求与信仰 | 国际创价学会会长 | 国际创价学会

关于祈求与信仰 | 国际创价学会会长 | 国际创价学会


















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Winter turns into spring; illness greatest benefit

12/6/15 10:28:14 pm: Kwee! Chang:

Book Review of Winter Always Turns to Spring: My Triumphant Journey: Sachiko "Takata" Bailey (9781460216927) — Foreword Reviews - https://www.forewordreviews.com/reviews/winter-always-turns-to-spring/

12/6/15 10:28:15 pm: Kwee! Chang:

Watch "Lakeshore Focus - 906 - Personal Interview with D…" on YouTube - Lakeshore Focus - 906 - Personal Interview with D…: https://youtu.be/BRJ1OQ8jmCM

12/6/15 10:28:15 pm: Kwee! Chang:

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ~ Chant For Happiness: Welcome Dr. Akemi Bailey Haynie! "Illness Has Been My Greatest Benefit." - http://chantforhappiness.blogspot.sg/2013/10/welcome-dr-akemi-bailey-haynie-illness.html?m=1

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Those suffering the most must be the happiest! ; Education is the hope of people, hence Buddhist study is the most fundamental

12/6/15 9:30:07 am: Judy!: 每日指导
6月 12日


12/6/15 9:31:03 am: Judy!: Daily Encouragement
June 12

Education definitely changes people's lives. This is why the SGI is so earnest when it comes to Buddhist study, which is the highest field of learning; it is the study of human beings and the foremost education. Buddhist study is the soul of the SGI.

Daisaku Ikeda, SGI President

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Sword is useless in the hands of coward; Youth/true successors must stand alone!

6月 11日


11/6/15 10:50:45 am: Judy!: Daily Encouragement
June 11

This is the era of youth. Youth do not depend on anyone. Nor do they hang on someone else's coattails. "I will open the way forward myself. I will advance kosen-rufu. I will see to it that the SGI is victorious." This is the spirit of youth and the attitude of true successors who love and cherish the SGI.

Daisaku Ikeda, SGI President

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Mr Toda's guidance with regard to our spirit to do propagation

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Fostering our juniors by showing deep concern for them

Second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda often said:
"strive harder than anyone to foster your juniors," and "Those who support the youth in using their potential to the fullest are truly admirable."Fostering the youth isn't merely a matter of talking to them at meetings;what counts is the depth of our concern for others.We should always interact sincerely with young people,as if they were our younger brothers and sisters or our own children.
~ SGI President Ikeda ~

创价学会第二任会长户田先生常说:"要比别人加倍努力培养后辈。" 还说 :"支持青年,使青年能尽情发挥的人伟大。" 所谓培养,不光是在会议上的指导。重要的不是形式,而是关怀对方的心。把接班人当做弟妹或自己的孩子,真诚相待。

~ 池田SGI 会长 ~

From Jun CL 2015 Back Page.

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Monday, June 8, 2015

Sufferings are the necessary training for us to be Buddhas; Need to speak up for justice



Daily Encouragement
June 9

We have to make ourselves heard. We have to speak out for what we believe in. When we, the people, boldly state our true convictions--never losing our optimism or sense of humor--the times will change. When it comes to speaking out for justice, there isn't any need for restraint. On the contrary, to be reserved or hesitant under such circumstances is wrong.

Daisaku Ikeda, SGI President

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Importance of last few years of one's life; Impartial love and compassion; Maintain faith till last moment of life

         For Today and Tomorrow
 Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Monday, June 8, 2015
President Toda often said that the final four or five years of one's life are decisive. No matter how good the preceding years may have been, one's life ends in defeat and sadness if the final few years are miserable. On the other hand, someone whose last four or five years are happy and filled with joy can be described a winner in life. No matter what happens, even if we should fall sick, we must never grow discouraged or allow ourselves to be defeated. This is vital. As long as our spirits are undefeated, we are victors.

             Buddhism Day by Day
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Monday, June 8, 2015
Every child is precious. The Lotus Sutra tells the parable of the three kinds of medicinal herbs and two kinds of trees. There are many different kinds of plants; their shape, size and nature come in myriad varieties. Some plants grow fast while others take time to mature. In this parable, however, the heavens rain upon all the plants equally, nurturing their growth. And the plants blossom and bear fruits according to their own unique character. This parable symbolizes the Buddha's vast compassion to nurture all living beings despite their differences. All children are different; each possesses his or her wonderful unique quality. We must pour upon all children our great love and compassion so that each child can blossom, true to his or her unique quality.

                  Daily Wisdom
From the Writings of Nichi ren Daishonin
Monday, June 8, 2015
Be resolved to summon forth the great power of faith, and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with the prayer that your faith will be steadfast and correct at the moment of death. Never seek any other way to inherit the ultimate Law of life and death, and manifest it in your life.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 218
The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life
Written to Sairen-bo Nichijo on February 11, 1272

Faith equals daily life; Value of suffering; Power of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Leslie Chang <lesliecck@gmail.com>
Date: 8 June 2015 11:31:52 pm SGT
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Subject: Fwd: Daily Guidance Sun 06/07

                  For Today and Tomorrow
Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Faith and daily life, faith and work-these are not separate things. They are one and the same. To think of them as separate-that faith is faith, and work is work-is theoretical faith. Based on the recognition that work and faith are one and the same, we should put one,hundred percent of our energy into our jobs and one hundred percent into our faith, too. When we resolve to do this, we enter the path of victory in life. Faith means to show irrefutable proof of victory amid the realities of society and in our own daily lives.

            Buddhism Day by Day
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo enables us to make any hardship or setback the source of our new advancement and our treasure for the future. Therefore, you don't have to be afraid of making a mistake or encountering an obstacle. In short, as long as you are devoted to staying in the correct orbit of faith, you won't ever cease to advance toward your victory, even if you may go through some twists and turns in life.

                  Daily Wisdom
From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Thus, as we have seen, even those who lack understanding, so long as they chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, can avoid the evil paths. This is like lotus flowers, which turn as the sun does, though the lotus has no mind to direct it, or like the plantain that grows with the rumbling of thunder, though this plant has no ears to hear it. Now we are like the lotus or the plantain, and the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra is like the sun or the thunder.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 142
The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra
Recipient unknown; written on January 6, 1266

Sunday, June 7, 2015

final years of our lives are important!

Daily Encouragement
June 8

President Toda often said that the final four or five years of one's life are decisive. No matter how good the preceding years may have been, one's life ends in defeat and sadness if the final few years are miserable. On the other hand, someone whose last four or five years are happy and filled with joy can be described a winner in life. No matter what happens, even if we should fall sick, we must never grow discouraged or allow ourselves to be defeated. This is vital. As long as our spirits are undefeated, we are victors.

Daisaku Ikeda, SGI President

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6月 8日



Optimism: an interesting way to view naggings

7/6/15 4:17:06 pm: Kwee! Chang: 🎐🎐🎐🎐🎐🎐🎐🎐🎐🎐
Daisaku Ikeda
HAVING the energy to argue is a sign of good health! When the two people in a relationship share similar conditions, it is only natural that they locked horns from time to time. On the other hand, if one party begins to outgrow the other, then the two will probably not have serious confrontations, because their states of life are so different.
It would be great if we could live cheerfully, to that extent that we regard our partner's nagging as a sign of his or her good health and proof that he or she is still alive and kicking. When we develop a broad state of life, then even our partner's ranting and raving will sound like the sweet song of a bird.

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Friday, June 5, 2015

Mers: Some in Singapore cancel or postpone holiday trips to South Korea - Singapore More Singapore Stories News & Top Stories - The Straits Times

Mers: Some in Singapore cancel or postpone holiday trips to South Korea - Singapore More Singapore Stories News & Top Stories - The Straits Times

Mers: Some in Singapore cancel or postpone holiday trips to South Korea

With reports that the outbreak of the deadly Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers) in South Korea could be worsening, some holidaymakers here are playing it safe by cancelling their trips to the country.

CTC Travel was to have a group of 150 people departing for South Korea yesterday evening, but the travel agency saw about 10 last-minute cancellations.

Since Wednesday, 15 to 20 of the agency's customers, who were bound for South Korea this month, either changed their travel destination or postponed their departure dates to later this year. The agency has about 600 customers headed there this month.

South Korea recorded its first case of the Mers virus last month. Since then, the number of infected South Koreans has jumped to more than 40, with four fatalities as of yesterday.

At Chan Brothers, less than 5 per cent of its customers who had planned to travel to South Korea this month have chosen to cancel or postpone their trips.

The agency has several groups, comprising 20 to 40 people each, planning to depart for the country daily this month.

Said Ms Rebecca Chia, a marketing communications executive at Chan Brothers: "The majority of these changes in travel arrangements have been for departures in the first half of June. Travellers who have booked tours in the second half are still monitoring the situation closely and adopting a wait-and-see approach."

Similarly, SA Tours has seen about six cancellations. Ten customers also chose to fly to Japan instead of South Korea as they had originally planned.

Despite the cancellations over the last few days, many people are still going ahead with their plans to visit South Korea.

One free-and-easy traveller, Mr Gan Ziyu, is still headed there next week.

Said the 28-year-old accounts executive: "I read about the fatalities in the news ,so I am a little bit worried, but my wallet would take quite a hit if I cancel my trip. I think I will just have to be mindful of who I stand next to when I am in the country and be mindful of my personal hygiene."


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Having gratitude is not a lowering of expectation for oneself;
It does not mean condoning sub-standards;
It does not mean we deserve less;
It is not mean having an "Ah-Q" mentality;
It just means being strict to oneself, and lenient to others.

Having gratitude means to be thankful and appreciative for things that are going right;
Even when things go wrong or not to our expectations, be thankful that it wasn't worse, and that it acts as an impetus for us to develop our character --- patience, integrity, creativity, etc.

Saints n Sages

Saints and sages


1. sage; wise man; St; saint
2. the Sage (a title of respect for Confucius)

Component Characters
 : holy; sacred | emperor | the greatest master of a certain art or skill | saint; sage 
 : human being; person; people; creature; sort; soul | an adult human being | other people; other(s) | used rhetorically in place of the first personal pronoun, often expressing displeasure | a person considered as a worker or employee | the physical, psychological, or moral quality or condition of a given individual | everybody; each; all | used as a suffix


1. a person of virtue (or merit); a person of outstanding worth

Component Characters
 : virtuous and able; worthy | used in addressing people of the same or of a younger generation | a worthy person; an able and virtuous person 
 : human being; person; people; creature; sort; soul | an adult human being | other people; other(s) | used rhetorically in place of the first personal pronoun, often expressing displeasure | a person considered as a worker or employee | the physical, psychological, or moral quality or condition of a given individual | everybody; each; all | used as a suffix

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Goodness ; Cowards delight enemy of Buddha!

5/6/15 9:10:05 am: Judy!: 每日指导
6月 5日


5/6/15 9:10:30 am: Judy!: Daily Encouragement
June 5

Cowardice is harmful for it delights the enemies of Buddhism and obstructs the advance of kosen-rufu. The fainthearted cannot savor the true benefit of faith; their ability to tap the power of the Buddha and the power of the Law [of the Gohonzon] in their lives is enfeebled.

Daisaku Ikeda, SGI President

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Challenge at your area!

El Monte CA.
         For Today and Tomorrow
Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
I would like each of you to rise to the challenge of revolutionizing the area where you live into an ideal community and to do so with the determination to start from where you are right now. This means building a good SGI organization in your local area-and building it yourself with loving, painstaking care, the way an artist pours his or her heart and soul into creating a work of art. It also means fostering capable people. Buddhism, after all, can only flourish if there are people who uphold and practice its teachings.

             Buddhism Day by Day
                    Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
                              Wednesday, June 3, 2015
When we plant the seed of happiness that is faith and carefully tend its growth, it will produce fruit without fail. We have to bear in mind, however, that we cannot plant a seed today and expect it to bear fruit tomorrow. That's not reasonable and Buddhism is reason. If we persevere, bearing in mind the principle faith equals daily life in accord with reason, then our prayers will definitely be answered. This is Nichiren's promise to us. And his words are true beyond any doubt.

                 Daily Wisdom
From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
As I said before, though no chapter of the Lotus Sutra is negligible, among the entire twenty-eight chapters, the "Expedient Means" chapter and the "Life Span" chapter are particularly outstanding. The remaining chapters are all in a sense the branches and leaves of these two chapters. Therefore, for your regular recitation, I recommend that you practice reading the prose sections of the "Expedient Means" and "Life Span" chapters.
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 71
The Recitation of the "Expedient Means" and "Life Span" Chapters
Written to Hiki Daigaku Saburo Yoshimoto's wife on April 17, 1264